Alıştırma 21-2, Karışık Modals / Mixed Modals

Modals alıştırmalarına devam ediyoruz arkadaşlar. Bu yayında önceki çalışmalara göre biraz daha zor alıştırmalar mevcut. Sizi biraz zorlayacaktır ama dil gelişiminize yardım edeceğini düşünüyorum. Cevap verirken aklınıza gelebilecek olan tüm Modal yapılarından uygun olanı kullanmanız gerekecek. Kolay gelsin.

Boşlukları uygun Modals ile doldurunuz. ( Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal verbs. )

1. You ……………… argue with your mother, you ………………obey her.

2. I don’t know what all this noise about. It …………………………………… be Tom playing drum.

3. …………………….. I see your identity card, please?

4. There are some black clouds. It …………………………… rain in the afternoon.

5. Pedestrians ……………… either use the crosswalk or cross the street at the traffic lights.

6. There weren't any seats free yesterday, so I ……………………… take a taxi.

7. I can’t find my sister. She …………………… gone to the cinema.

8. At the end of the month he will get an enormous bill which he ……………………… afford to pay.

9. I know she was at home  because I heard her voice coming from inside, but she didn’t open the door. She ……………… hear the bell.

10. I …………………… carry this box. I think I need some help.

11. When I woke up this morning, the light was on. I ……………………… forgetten to turn it off.

12. I saw her at the office half an hour ago. She ………………………… be at home now. It is impossible.

13. I can’t find my books. I ………………………………… put them somewhere.

14. When I first went to Italy, I ………………… speak Italian but I ……………………… speak it.

15. ……………… we all go to the cinema tonight?

16. You …………………drive fast; there is a speed limit here.

17. If you have finished your homework, you …………………… go out and play with your friends.

18. …………………… I come in?

19. Demet had no money and needed some, so she ............ sell her ring.

20. When I was a child, I …… understand adults, and now that I am an adult I ……… understand children.

Cevaplar / Keys

1.mustn't, must  2.can / may   3.Can / May  4.will  5.must  6.had to  7.could / may  have gone
8.can't  9.couldn't 10.can't  11.could - must have forgetten  12.can't  13.may / could have put
14.couldn't, can  15.Shall  16.mustn't 17.may / can  18.May / Can  19.had to   20.couldn't, can't

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