Alıştırma 16-2, Simple Past ve Past Continuous Tense / Simple Past and Past Continuous Tense Exercises

Bu alıştırmada '' Simple Past Tense '' ve '' Past Continuous Tense '' i inceleyeceğiz arkadaşlar. Kolay gelsin.

A ) Cümleleri '' Simple Past Tense '' ya da '' Past Continuous Tense '' ile doldurunuz. ( Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses using the Simple Past or the Past Continuous Tense. )

1.While I ………………… ( travel ) to India, I ………………. (keep) a diary.

2.Sercan ………………( drive ) past a house when he ……………… ( see ) the ground floor on fire.

3.While he …………………(fly ) off , he ………… ( see ) sharks swimming in sea.

4.The fireman …………… ( fight ) the fire on a balcony below when he ……………… ( hear ) someone’s shouts.

5.She …………… ( die ) while she …………….. ( run ) after a bus.

6.We …………….. ( have ) dinner when the electricity ………… ( go ) off.

7.She …………………… ( think ) of something else while you ……………… ( talk ) to her.

8.I ……………(see) her while I ………………………. (look) out of the window.

9.While the teacher ……………….. (talk), the students ……….. (look) at an insect on the ceiling.

10.Sally …………… ( watch ) TV last night when someone ………………( knock ) on the door.

11.I started to study at eight last night. Feridun ………… (come) at eight-thirty. I ………… ( study ) when Feridun ……………….. (come ).

12.While I ……………( take ) a nap on the coach last night, one of my friends ………… ( drop by ) to visit me.

13.My roommate’s parents ………………(call) him last night while we ……………( watch ) TV.

14.When you …………( come ) home, I ………………( talk ) to my mother on the phone.

15.Yesterday Ahmet and Ayşe …………… ( go ) to the zoo around one. They……………… ( see ) many kinds of animals. They stayed at the zoo for two hours. While they …………… ( walk ) home, it ………….....( begin )to rain, so they …………….. ( stop ) at  a small café and …………… ( have ) a cup of coffee.

16.Yesterday afternoon I …… ( go ) to visit the Parker family. When I……….. ( get ) there around two o’clock, Mrs. Parker …………( be )in the yard. She …………… ( plant ) flowers in her garden. Mr. Parker………….. ( be ) in the garage. He ……………( work ) on their car. He ……………( change ) the oil.

Cevaplar / Keys

1. was travelling - kept   2. was driving - saw   3. was flying - saw  4. was fighting - heard
5. died - was running   6. were having - went off   7. was thinking - were talking
8. saw - was looking  9. was talking - were looking  10. was watching - knocked 
11. came - was studying - came  12. was taking - dropped by   13. called - were watching
14. came - was talking  15. went - saw - were walking - began - stopped - had
16. went - got - was - was planting - was - was working - was changing

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