Alıştırma 21-1, Modals Must / Mustn't - Have to / Don't Have to, Can / Can't, Could

Modals ile ilgili alıştırmalara devam ediyoruz arkadaşlar. Kolay gelsin.

A) Boşlukları '' Have to - Don't Have to, Must - Mustn't, Can - Could '' ile doldurunuz. ( Fill in the blanks with '' Have to - Don't Have to, Must - Mustn't, Can - Could ''. )

1.He studies languages in the university. He ………………………speak four languages.
2.I can’t dance now but I …………………dance very well when I was ten.
3.She will stay in bed all day. Because she ………………………go to work.
4.Nowadays many students  ………………………wear uniform when they go to school. play the quitar?
6.You ………………………smoke so much. It's very dangerous for your health.
7.I have a bad headache. I …………………take an aspirin.
8.I can’t swim these days but ten years ago I ……………………swim very well.
9.You ………………see the sea from our hotel's room.
10.You ……………………speak Turkish in English class.

B) Boşlukları '' Must - Mustn't, Can - Can't, Have to - Don't Have to '' ile doldurunuz. ( Fill in the blanks with '' Must - Mustn't, Can - Can't, Have to - Don't Have to ''. )

1.You …………….. park at the garage gate. It is not permitted.
2.Look at George! He is running very fast. He ………………… be ill.
3.There’s someone at the door. I’m expecting Tom. It …………………be Tom.
4.Ahmet’s car is here. He ………………be in the restaurant.
5.The baby is sleeping. You ……………speak very loudly.
6.You’ve got plenty of time. You ………………hurry.
7........ I open the door, please?
8.I can’t use my mobile phone. It …………………be out of order.
9.Ann stayed in bed this morning because she ………………be ill.
10.You ......... run the red light.

Cevaplar / Keys
1.He can speak four languages.
2.But I could dance very well when I was ten.
3.Because she doesn't have to go to work.
4.Nowadays Many students have to wear uniform when they go to school.
5.Could you play the quitar?
6.You mustn't smoke so much.
7.I must take an aspirin.
8.I could swim very well.
9.You can see the sea from our hotel's room.
10.You mustn't speak Turkish in English class.

1.You mustn't park at the garage gate.
2.He can't be ill.
3.It can be Tom.
4.He must be in the restaurant.
5.You mustn't speak very loudly.
6.You don't have to hurry.
7.Can I open the door, please?
8.It must be out of order.
9.Because she must be  ill.
10.You mustn't run the red light.

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