Alıştırma 20-1, Present Perfect Tense ve Present Perfect Continuous Tense Karşılaştırma / Comparison of Present Perfect Tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Bu alıştırmada '' Present Perfect Tense '' ile '' Present Perfect Continuous Tense '' karşılaştırmasını yapacağız arkadaşlar. Kolay gelsin.

A) Doğru zamanı seçiniz. ( Choose the correct tense. ) 

1. I’ve bought / have been buying  a new pair of shoes.

2. Have you finished / Have you been finishing reading that book yet?

3. They’ve eaten / have been eating  fruit all afternoon, ever since they came from school.

4. I’ve been reading / have read  this book now, so you can have it back.

5. I’ve been writing / have written  eight pages already.

6. Your exam paper is completely blank! What have you been doing / have you done?

7. Oh, no! There’s nothing to eat. My sister has been eating / has eaten everything I left in the kitchen.

8. Oh, no! There’s no wine to drink. They have drunk / have been drinking all the wine.

9.  Your eyes are hurt. You’ve been playing / have played computer games  since you had your breakfast.
10. I haven’t seen / haven’t been seeing you for ages.

11. God! Hakan has scored / has been scoring.

12. They have danced / have been dancing for an hour.

13. I have been waiting / have waited for you for ages.

14. I’ve finished /  ‘ve been finishing my work.

15. I’ve been writing / have written this letter for an hour.

16. He has visited / has been visiting ten museums this week.

17. I’m very tired. Because I have travelled / have been travelling around Istanbul all day.

18. She has found / has been finding a good job.

19. I’m hot, because I have been running / have run.

20. I have written / have been writing letters for weeks.

B) Boşlukları '' Present Perfect Tense '' veya '' Present Perfect Continuous Tense '' ile doldurunuz. ( Fill in the blanks  with '' Present Perfect Tense '' or '' Present Perfect Continuous Tense ''. ) 

1. I’m trying to study. I ……................. ( try ) to study for the last hour, but something always seems to interrupt meI think I’d better go to the library.

2. The children are playing basketball right now. They ……...........………… ( play ) for almost two hours. They must be getting tired.

3. The telephone ………………… ( ring ) four times in the last hour, and each time it has been for my roommate.

4. The telephone ……………… ( ring ) for almost a minute. Why doesn’t someone answer it?

5. It ……………………….. ( rain ) all day. I wonder when it will stop.

6.We …………………… ( have ) three accidents so far this week. I wonder how many more we will have if you keep using the tools carelessly.

7. We ……………………. ( live ) here since last June.

8. My little son is dirty from head to foot because he …………………… ( play ) in the mud.

9. What’s the matter? Your eyes are red and puffy. I hope you …………… ( not / cry ).
Oh, now I understand. You …………………………….. ( peel ) some onions.

10. Hello, Rob. I’m happy to see you again. I …………………….. ( not / see ) you for weeks.
What ………………. you ………………… ( do ) lately?

11. I …………. ( not / be ) able to reach my boss on the phone yet. I ……..……. ( try ) for the last twenty minutes, but the line …………………….. busy.

12.We ……………………. ( have ) three major snowstorms so far this winter. I wonder how many more we will have.

13. I …………………… ( write ) them three times, but I still haven’t received a reply.

14.A: Dr. Harrison is a good teacher. How long ………… he …………. ( be ) at the university?
     B: He ………………………………………… ( teach ) here for almost 25 years.

15.A: What are you going to order for dinner?
     B: Well, I ……………………… ( have / not have ) pizza. So I think, I’ll order that.

16. My uncle ……………………. ( paint ) the outside of his house for three weeks and he’s still not finished.

17. The Smiths are presently in Tunisia. They ……...............( travel ) throughout North Africa since the middle of May. They’ll return home in another month.

Cevaplar / Keys

A )
1. I’ve bought  2. Have you finished   3. They have been eating    4. I’ve read
5. I have written   6. What have you been doing   7. My sister has eaten
8. They have drunk   9. You’ve been playing  10. I haven’t seen  11. Hakan has scored
12. They have been dancing  13. I have been waiting  14. I’ve finished  
15. I’ve been writing  16. He has visited   17.I have been travelling  18. She has found
. I have been running  20. I have been writing

B )
1. I have been trying   2. They have been playing   3. The telephone has rung
. The telephone has been ringing   5. It has been raining   6.We have had
. We have lived / have been living   8. He has been playing
9. You haven't been crying / you have been peeling   10.I haven't seen / have you been doing
.I haven't been able to /  I have been trying / the line has been busy  12. We have had
. I have written   14. A: How long has he been ? / B: He has been teaching
. B: I haven't had   16. My uncle has been painting   17.They have been travelling

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