Alıştırma 23-1, Some - Any Exercises

'' Quantifiers '' alıştırmalarının ikincisi arkadaşlar. Bu yayında da bir öncekinde olduğu gibi '' Some '' ve '' Any '' var. Kolay gelsin.

Boşlukları '' Some '' veya '' Any '' ile doldurunuz. ( Fiil in the blanks with '' Some '' or  '' Any ''. )
1. Do you have information for me?

2. There are oranges on the plate.

3. There aren't children in the park.

4. Would you like salt for your soap?

5. Can you get some biscuits,please?

6. We need flour for the cake.

7. There isn't time to finish the homework.

8. Are there vegetables in the fridge?

9. I can get bread from the supermarket.

10.Have you got books on the self?

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