Alıştırma 15 , Simple Past Tense Was / Were

Arkadaşlar, tüm yönleri ile anlatmaya çalıştığım Simple Past Tense was / were ile ilgili ilk alıştırmamızı hemen aşağıdadır. Kendinizi test etmeniz adına faydalı olacağını düşünüyorum.
Kolay gelsin.....

A) Boşlukları '' was / were '' ile doldurunuz. ( Fiil in the blanks with '' was / were ''. )

1. Hasan and Salim ................... ill yesterday.

2. The weather .......................very cold last Friday.

3. The people from my town the cinema last night.

4. Ketty Italy last winter.

5. My father and I the football stadium last Sunday.

6. He..............excited when he heard the news.

7. interesting book.

B ) ''Was ya da were '' doğru olanı seçiniz. ( Choose '' was '' or '' were ''.) 

1. I was / were a fireman.

2. They was / were happy.

3. Was / were he happy?

4. You were / was at the theatre.

5. It was / were cheap.

6. She was / were crazy about reading books.

7. Were / Was they your father and mother ?

C ) '' Was / Were '' kullanarak Past Simple Tense ' de cümleler yapınız. ( Make the sentences using '' was / were '' )

1.You / not / at work / yesterday.

2. I / ill / last morning.

3. It / rainy / yesterday.

4. We / in the park / this morning.

5. Tom / afraid of / the spiders.

6. Susan / very tired / at the end of the day.

7. Our house / not / big / when I was a child.

8. There / a lot of students / in the class.

9. They / not /  very friendly

10. you / tired / last morning ?

11. he / in the south Anatolia / last summer ?

12. The film / interesting / last night ?

13. The customers / very rude .

14. The plane / late / again ?

15. There / not / any / apples / in the basket.

D ) Görüşmeyi '' was '' ya da '' were '' ile tamamlayınız.( Complete the interview with '' was ''   or   '' were ''.) 

Interviewer : What.................. it like during the First World War, George?

George : It .................a bad time. I ............... a young soldier in the army. Germany.

Interwiver: Where ............. your family?

George:  They ........... in Paris. This situation ................. dangerous for them. There ......... flying planes, bombs, tanks and there ............ not enough food. The children ................ very frightened and my wife .............worried about our future.

Interwiever : How did you handle these times ?

George: Well, I .............. very hopeless at the beginning of the war but we ............ determined. The success came in  this way. When the war............over, we met our families. Despite of these terrible times, all of us........... happy in the end.

Cevaplar / Keys

A )  1. were  2. was  3.were  4.was  5.were  6.was  7.was

B ) 1. was  2. were  3. was  4. were  5. was  6. was  7.were

C )  1.You weren't at work yesterday.  2. I was ill last morning.  3. It was rainy yesterday.  4. We were in the park this morning. 5. Tom was afraid of the spiders. 6. Susan was very tired at the end of the day. 7. Our house wasn't big when I was a child. 8. There were a lot of students in the class.  9. They weren't very friendly. 10. Were you tired last morning?  11.He was in the South Anatolia last summer. 12. Was the film interesting last night ?  13.The customers were very rude. 14.Was the plane late again? 15. There weren't any apples in the basket.

D )  was / was / was / was / were / was / were / were / were / was / was / were / was / were

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